Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I realized that we did not have any pictures of our new office on the Blog Site so we have posted them for you to see.  The bottom one is our prayer room which is open Tues.-Thurs. 10:00-2:00.  Come pray!

Do You Love God With All You Have?


“Love God, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that’s in you, love him with all you’ve got!” Deuteronomy 6:5 (The Message)

In February we tend to focus on ways to express love to our sweethearts, family and friends as the valentine cards, candy, and gifts start to flow.  Almost 44 years ago my husband and I were married on Valentine’s Day.  I thought it was so romantic and would help my husband to always remember our anniversary!  I would be upset if he didn’t express his love on that special day, but it is also important that we show our love to each other on a daily basis. 

This year as I read this passage about loving God, I began to wonder what our expression of love to our Abba Father might look like. How do I show Him that I love Him every day?  What can we give Him as an expression of our love?  Here are some ideas:
·         Get to know Him as we pray and read His Word
·         Verbal expressions of Thanksgiving and Praise
·         Service to Him as we minister to others in His name
·         Striving for holiness as He is Holy
·         Share His Love with others
·         Obedience to his direction
·         Worship Him corporately and individually
·         Spend time with Him daily
·         If you haven’t done so yet – give Him your heart
Let’s ask him to show us new ways to express our love to Him this year and then act on it.  Add to this list and commit to loving Him with all that’s in you.  After you make your list post it close to your quiet place where you meet with Him as a reminder ways to express your love to Him daily.   He is worthy of our love and praise.  What better way has He shown us His amazing love than when He took our place upon the tree?  Love Him with your whole heart.


Day Retreat

Day Retreat!  February 8,2014

At the On Wings Office – 10:00am to 3:00 we are having a Day Retreat with Chris Pritchard speaking on the Re-Entry Process. You may register by emailing Sandra@onwingslikeadove.com or
calling 336-972-4213.  If you will be faced with this issue soon it will certainly help you.  If you just want to gain the education to help others in their process, you are welcome.  Lunch will be provided.