Sunday, March 18, 2012

Arise! Rise up My love!

The other morning God took me to this passage: "My Beloved sings and calls to me. I can hear my true love calling, Arise! Rise up my love, My fair one and come away with Me. For behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth. Lilacs are exuberantly purple and perfumed, cherry trees are fragrant with blossoming vines. The time of the spring song has come. The whole world is a choir and singing! The season of the glad song has come. The voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The doves cooing note is heard. The time for singing has come. come then My gentle dove, My dear friend, My beautiful one. Come to Me. Come away with Me." SOS 2:10-13.
As I read that verse it seemed to come alive! Sing a new song today my friends. I did just that as I walked and listened to the song of His creation and observed the beauty He displayed. I saw cherry trees in bloom, purple hyacinths which of course are very fragrant, and of course tulips and daffodils in full array.
The other morning I had a dove on the deck cooing and calling up his mate. It didn't take long for her to appear. What a beautiful sight and what a beautiful song they sang to each other. Precious!
Oh don't I long to Arise and come away with my Bride-Groom Lover. I sense He is ready to arise and come to get us my friends. Let's be ready....clothed in His righteousness. His call will come quickly, be prepared! Have a wonderful spring!

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