Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dear Child, let Me lead

Several years ago a dear friend gave me a plague with the following statement: "Dear Child It's Not Following Unless You Let Me Go First".  After we moved into our new office the plague sat on the floor for a while.  Today I put it on the wall and have reflected on it all day.
Isn't it a true statement.  Often we want to be in the lead.  That reminds me of another picture I saw at a conference one day with a couple waltzing together.  It so reminded me of our relationship with Christ.  We are either letting Him lead us or we are walking all over His feet and plans for our life and not following His lead in this dance we call life.
Lord forgive me when I try to lead.  I want to surrender to Your plan and purpose for me, so I rest in Your arms and look forward to our dance together. I want to stay in perfect step, letting you go first.

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