Friday, May 1, 2009

The lost duckling, (No, not the ugly)

It has been a little while since I was on. So much going on it is sometimes hard to sit and write. Our ministry needs are different from day to day. There are sometimes urgent calls that need to be attended to then and there. Some families have gotten beyond the current crisis and are able to cope well. It has been interesting to watch how the Lord has worked in the hearts of the prodigal's family as God has grown them up in Him.

I learn visually and often God teaches me through nature and His creation in the animal kingdom. I love animals and seem to run up on strays. Well my heart has always gone out to the underdog, so while walking the other day I saw a mother duck with six little ducklings following ever so close behind her as they crossed the street together. Now why they had to go across the street I don't know since they have a big pond on the other side. I thought then, oh, it would be a shame to see any of them run over!

The next day as I walked there was a young man waiting in the driveway across from the pond and as I approached he said, "Mam, could you help me." I looked down and there was one of those tiny little ducklings. We took it up to the pond in search of MOM, but she was not where in sight. I turned to the fellow and said, "I guess you have a new friend." I went home and got him a basket and lined it with grass and off he went with it hanging over the handlebars of his bike. I hope the little one survived.

As I went into the house I thought now what was I to learn from that Lord. I thought about how when our children get separated from us they are sometimes caught up in things that could take their very lives. They have no idea what a cruel world it is outside the Mothers care. I wondered how the Mother felt as she got home and one of her babies was missing. I remember my frantic times of searching when our prodigal was away from the fold.

I imagine that God feels the same mercy and love for that lost one as we did as we tried to care for the one left behind. Is there someone God has sent your way to reach out to with mercy and love? Maybe you don't have a prodigal but I am sure you are exposed to prodigals everyday. How did you reach out in love and compassion to them, showing them the love of the Father.

Several of us Mothers/Spouses of prisoners or past prisoners will be gathering this weekend for a retreat. Please pray for us.

May God bless you and yours,


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