Thursday, May 21, 2015

Day 130

Dry Bones Praying

“Again He said to me, 'Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. Thus says the LORD GOD to these bones. Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and your shall live” Ezekiel 37: 4-5.

It was my privilege to attend a seminar years ago led by Sylvia Gunter. I had long bought and read every prayer book she had available as they led you to pray scripture for every subject you could imagine. One day I was thumbing through one of her books and came to the Dry Bones Praying page. It is based on Ezekiel 37 and Sylvia had written it to be prayed for the Prodigal. I have prayed it and given it to other mother's to pray for their children who needed to be reached.

I remember finding a bone while at the seminar on the property and I brought it home and wrote Dry Bones on it as a spiritual marker to remind me to pray the prayer for my prodigal and others. When we moved our office next to God's Acre we chose to set up our prayer room in the room facing God's Acre and were amazed that God had placed us right beside the dry bones, some of which will rise to meet Him in the air one day.

Why don't you open your Bible to Ezekiel 37 right now and pray verses 1-14 for your prodigal and/or other prodigals you know. A prodigal is anyone who has walked away from God's plan and purpose in their lives. Do you know anyone like that? Will you intercede on their behalf, crying out to God to breath life back into them and free them to be His servants.

I want to share with you what Sylvia has written at the end of the prayer” “You may be standing in a desperate situation in the battle of a lifetime. You may feel that your are in the darkest storm of your life. You may be the parent of an out-of-control child, and it seems that everything in your world is out of your control. Good news! It is! But God is still in control. El Roi, the God who sees, knows it all and has a plan that He is working out. God will change your prodigal inside out, not just clean up his act. Take strength and comfort from these prayers. Re-center yourself in God's purposes and promises, and take up new prayer weapons to fight the real enemy, not the person”. Taken from Living in His Presence by Sylvia Gunter.

If you would like a copy of the Dry Bones Prayer please let me know and we can either email or mail to you. You can email me

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