I got up earlier this morning to prepare to have an adventure with my daughter today! We were going to Mocksville to pick out a beautiful cake for my mother's 80th birthday. Now that is a milestone! We were planning all the way there how we might design the cake and the many things we would need to do in preparation for our surprise! We were like 2 schoolgirls. It hit me that I am so blessed to have that kind of relationship with my daughter. She is not only my daughter but a very dear friend and confidant. I like that. I cherish that.
We talked about some of her insecurities of the past (reading Beth Moore's book on Insecurities you see)and how she didn't feel accepted by others in school. Some made fun of her because of teeth, acne and other mean things. Let me at them... She shared how she didn't really tell me about those things at the time.
I expressed to her how beautiful she is. She didn't seem to except that but those of you who know my daughter know how beautiful she is both in and out. She truly is. Such a sweet spirit and a loving, caring, generous heart. I realize I haven't always told her how I felt so I wanted to tell her again today, in public.
I love you Mel,and I want you to know that and believe how beautiful you are to others, especially your family.
Let's do more days like today. It was loads of fun.
Thank you, Mom! That would truly bring a tear to a glass eye! Really meant a lot to me to see your sweet words and I cherish them and you! Love you so much, Mel