Feeling Like a Queen
“For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills” Psalm 50:10.
While at a local nail shop I was thumbing through a magazine and ran across an interesting article. It was entitled, “My Closet Makes Me Feel Like a Queen.” I decided to take a picture of it so I would remember and be able to ponder over the statement.
The author of the article had an interview with a current playmate. I say current because they don't usually last to long in the relationship. She was showing off her favorite room in the “mansion” where she resides. She was quoted: “It's my own watchtower, where I can spy on people during parties. I feel like a queen of the castle up here.”
The article talked about all her jewelry, which included a $74 K pair of earrings, and all her expensive clothes, and belongings. She really felt like a queen because of her many things. I found it interesting because I don't believe any before her ever stayed content in all the rich surroundings of that mansion. I am pretty sure they tired of parading around for the 'king' of the house.
As Christians we can know we are royalty not just feel like it because we are children of the King of Kings and Lord of Lord's. Our Master not only owns the mansion and it's riches but He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He owns it all, He created it all. Everything is His. There is security in that fact.
It is not our possessions that make us feel like a Queen, but our King. He is away preparing a mansion for us to dwell in, not just on earth where it will be burned up, but for eternity. If we belong to Him we will never be tossed out of His kingdom. He has promised that He has engraved us on the palm of His hand and nothing will separate us from Him. What makes you feel like a Queen? Hopefully it is being in the presence of your King.
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