Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 25

Give Me a Sign

Gideon said, “If you are serious about this, do me a favor, Give me a sign to backup what you’re telling me.”  Judges 6.17  The Message

After years of struggle with a prodigal son I got to a point of hopelessness.  At the time our son was nowhere to be found and I was tired of the struggles and the heartaches.  I sat down on the front porch and said “Lord, if you don’t show me that You are with me in this, I can’t keep going.”  Immediately, down at my feet flew a dove.  I knew in my spirit that God had sent it to encourage me.

As Gideon asked for a sign in Judges 6, he knew it was a lack of faith and he asked God not be angry with him, but he needed a confirmation at that point in his life.  God did not rebuke him but gave him what he needed to reassure him and to increase his faith.  What a personal God we have who meets our every need.

I am not proposing that we ask God for signs at every turn but I believe He is not angry when we ask in confusing times for His direction or for His presence in a definite manner.  Do you need a sign today or a word of assurance?  Seek Him in His Word.

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