Monday, January 12, 2015

On Wings of Hope Day 6

“And when He brings out His own sheep, He goes before them: and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice.” John 10:4

While attending the fair a mother ran by us calling her daughter’s name. You could hear the urgency in her voice and see that she was in a frantic state. Thankfully this little girl responded to her Mother’s voice. Have you ever sensed that kind of panic as you watched your child walk away from you and all you tried to instill in them, turning to their own way? It is a horrible feeling and often does not end well.

Imagine the Heavenly Father who calls us to come in His direction for our lives but we turn in defiance. Have you ever sensed His grief over your rebellious spirit? Are you listening for the Shepherd’s voice today or are you like your prodigal, choosing to walk away from His purpose and plan for your life? Do you know His voice?

Reflect on what He is asking of you that you have totally disregarded. Will you decide to turn from your own way and follow after Him? Repent of your waywardness and put yourself in direct obedience to His call. Let Him lead you in the way you should go.

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